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      The world leading magazine of heavy lifting and transport equipment for construction, energy, maritime and industry

Transmex transports a huge distillation column through Alger

The heavy transport company Transmex, subsidiary of the Sonelgaz Group, has successfully transported a distillation column of refinery products. 42m long and 7m width, it weighed 216t. The entire convoy was 62m long, with a global weight of 400t. The item has been transported thanks to tractors in 8×4 and 6×6 axle combination, as well as SPMT of 26 axle lines, allowing a better load distribution and a greater stability. In Alger city, Transmex received the item in the port before crossing the center to reach the refinery in difficult weather conditions. This performance is a result of long engineering study and route optimisation bypassing all the civil engineering structures during the journey. This heavy unit has been transported for its client DB Schenker within the rehabilitation project of the Alger refinery, whose contracting supervisor is the oil giant Sonatrach. The full article is coming up in the next issue of Move It Magazine.

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